IAFP Political Action Committee

Donate to the PAC online
To become a member of IAFP PrimCare PAC for 2025:
$1000 or more for my Platinum Membership
$750 for my Gold Membership
$500 for my Silver Membership
$250 and less for my Bronze Membership
IAFP PAC 2023-2024 Board of Directors
Laura Bowshier, MD, Waukee - Chair
David Carlyle, MD, Ames - Vice Chair
Noreen O'Shea, DO, Sioux City - Secretary-Treasurer
Aaron Heiar, DO, Iowa Falls - 1st District Rep
Andy Goodner, MD, Iowa Falls- 1st District Rep
Craig Thompson, DO, Manchester - 1st District Rep
Douglas Peters, MD, West Burlington - 2nd District Rep
Steve Richards, DO, Spirit Lake - 4th District Rep
We are committed to the sustainability and growth of Family Medicine in the State of Iowa, and hope that you are too. That is why we are writing to you today. The IAFP PAC is IAFP's political action committee (PAC). This voluntary family medicine PAC provides Iowa family physicians a strong voice in the Iowa state legislature and helps the Academy in its efforts to impact both health policy and the overall practice environment.
Why Support Your Political Action Committee
IAFP PAC contributions go directly to support legislators who are informed and committed to family medicine's business and practice management issues. Family medicine interests are much more likely to receive greater attention among the many competing interests and constant stream of proposals put forward consideration.
Your IAFP PAC Dollars at Work
- Oppose expansion of other providers and disciplines to primary care's scope of practice.
- Oppose adjusting to PA to physician ratio from 2:1 to 5:1.
- Protect Medicaid reimbursement from larger cuts.
Make A Contribution
Members can make contributions to the IAFP PAC all year. Contributing is easy and can be completed either via regular U.S. Mail. Note: Only personal checks and credit cards can be used for contributions, per campaign finance laws.
You know the significant impact politicans have on the practice of medicine and how we operate. An investment in the IAFP PAC is an investment in the future of family medicine in Iowa.
While we look forward to increased contributions this year and the role they play in solidifying our role in the legislative process, we understand this may not be a feasible option for everyone. We sincerely appreciate your support at whatever level you feel most appropriate.