Medical Student Support Programs
The IAFP provides several opportunities for Iowa family physicians to provide financial and mentorship support to students who express an interest in family medicine as a career. Research shows that student interest is dependent on many factors, including early exposure and mentorship/role modeling by practicing family physicians. Both mentors and mentees benefit from these professional relationships. We have many options for you to help support this process and we hope you will consider donating financially and/ or educationally.
Adopt-a-Student option ($300) allows practicing family physicians to be matched with one (or more) interested students, providing both financial and mentorship support to the specific student during medical school. Matches will take into consideration mentor/mentee preferences, geography, and mentor practice factors.
- Financial support is used to:
- Offset expenses for the AAFP National Conference in Kansas City, where students gain energy and information about family medicine residency programs and may attend educational sessions of interest to future family physicians.
- Support students during early curriculum with resources, study break treats, as well as offsetting travel/accommodation expenses for shadowing opportunities and mentorship connections.
- Mentorship support includes quarterly contact with students as arranged. These connections may take various forms and will be supported by the UI Department of Family Medicine Medical Student Education Program:
- Electronic conversations
- Face-to-face or skype meetings
- FMIG event co- attendance
- Shadowing connections during summer or school breaks
- Precepting students for required and/or elective family medicine clerkships
AAFP National Conference Sponsorship Only- ($150 each) will provide funding to offset expenses for student(s) to attend the conference and gain energy and information about family medicine residency programs as well as to attend educational sessions of interest to future family physicians.
Mentorship Only- (no financial contribution) allows physicians to connect with students as described in the Adopt-A-Student section, without associated financial support.