On Demand Training Courses

IAFP End of Life Care Course

Watch at your leisure from the comfort of your home or office.

You will receive an e-mail within 24-48 business hours of your registration. This e-mail will include viewing links, handout materials and surveys/evaluations.

$40 for IAFP/AAFP Members
$50 for Nonmembers

Register Here
Description Faculty Agenda CME Accreditation

On May 8, 2019 Governor Reynolds signed into law HF731, making changes on how mandatory reporting training is provided.  Beginning July 1, 2019 the Iowa Department of Human Services (DHS) will take over the responsibilities for mandatory reporting training.  There will be a two hour child abuse and a two hour dependent adult abuse available on the DHS website free of charge.   There are changes in how often you need to take the training, instead of every five years it is now every three years.  This will be the only approved training allowed in Iowa and the only way to receive the training.  Any current approval/provider numbers issued through the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) will be void after June 30, 2019.  IDPH will not be renewing any approval/provider numbers due to this change.  If you recently have taken mandatory reporting training from an approved provider with a current curriculum your certificate is valid 5 years past the date of the training.


Jim Bell, MD, Medical Director, Palliative Care, Unity Point St. Luke’s, Cedar Rapids, Iowa


Faculty Disclosure

Iowa Academy of Family Physicians asks all individuals involved in the development and presentation of Continuing Medical Education (CME) activities to disclose all relationships with commercial interests. This information is disclosed to CME activity participants. Iowa Academy of Family Physicians has procedures to resolve apparent conflicts of interest. In addition, faculty members are asked to disclose when any discussion of unapproved use of pharmaceuticals and devices occurs. Unlabeled/investigational uses of commercial products are not discussed in this activity.

Dr. Bell disclosed that neither he nor any member of his immediate family has a relationship or financial interest with any proprietary entity producing health care goods or services.

In addition to our speaker, the IAFP Education Committee along with IAFP staff have also disclosed that neither they nor any member of their immediate family has a relationship or financial interest with any proprietary entity producing health care goods or services.


Lecture 1: Palliative Care and Hospice Essentials

At the end of the lecture, the participant will

  • Understand the current structural and regulatory aspects of care at the end of life
  • Have a working knowledge of the clinical principles of good end of life care
  • Recognize the circumstances calling for consultation in discussing goals of care in end of life situations


Lecture 2: Goal setting: The Family Meeting

At the end of the lecture, the participant will

  • Understand the essential elements of the family meeting for goals of care discussion with life-limiting and terminal illness
  • Be able to incorporate those elements efficiently into a limited office visit
  • Learn strategies for managing challenging situations such as requests to “do everything”


Lecture 3: The role of the Family Physician in the application of new technologies in advanced disease

At the conclusion of the lecture, the participant will

  • Recognize new technologies that patients may encounter as they face advanced disease
  • Understand the role of the family physician in supporting patients and families in these situations
  • Be able to support patients in decision making using specific communication tools

This Enduring Material activity, IAFP End of Life Care, has been reviewed and is acceptable for up to 2.50 Prescribed credit(s) by the American Academy of Family Physicians. AAFP certification begins 09/03/2024. Term of approval is for one year from this date. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.