Farm Bureau Rural Iowa Award

Rural Medicine Scholarships Available!
The Iowa Farm Bureau Foundation and the Iowa Academy of Family Physicians’ Foundation would like to encourage you to apply for the $5,000 Farm Bureau Scholarships that are given to one student and one resident annually.
Eligibility requirements are:
Resident (R3)
• Completing an Iowa residency program in 2025
• Locating in a practice in a rural Iowa setting under 26,000 population
• Holding membership in the IAFP/AAFP
• Demonstrated scholarship and achievement in medical school
• Completion of the application requirements
Student (M4)
• A medical student graduating from the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine or Des Moines University
• Entering an Iowa Family Medicine Residency program in 2025
• Holding membership in the IAFP/AAFP
• Demonstrated scholarship and achievement in medical school
• Completion of the application requirements
Application Requirements
• Write a brief essay explaining your personal philosophy about medical care, in particular family medicine,
and outline your intended career plans
• Enclose a curriculum vitae
• Enclose two letters of recommendation from faculty members at the residency program or medical school
Criteria for Consideration
• Quality of the submitted brief essay. (40%)
• A demonstrated interest in rural practice as shown by completing a preceptorship or elective experience in a rural
Iowa community under 26,000 population, and/or in the judgment of the committee, are likely to pursue a career as a
family physician in rural Iowa, i.e. being from a rural background. (30%)
• Demonstrated scholarship and achievement in medical school. (15%)
• Quality of letters of recommendation. (15%)
The deadline to receive letters is June 15, 2025.
For further information contact Kelly Scallon at the IAFP Foundation office 515-244-4182 or via e-mail at