Iowa Academy of Family Physicians
2025 Committee Volunteer Form

EDUCATION COMMITTEE: Responsible for all continuing education programs of the Academy that includes the Clinical Education Conference and online programming.

MEMBER ADVOCACY COMMITTEE: Duties include serving as an advocate for family physicians and their patients in matters relating to the delivery of health care and promotes the image of family physicians in the state of Iowa. In addition, the committee seeks members to serve on committees and boards for government and other health care related organizations and assists in the legislative activities of the Academy including grassroots lobbying (Key Contacts). The committee is also responsible for the annual legislative coffee at the Capitol in February.

MEMBER SERVICES COMMITTEE: Oversees the production of The Iowa Family Physician Magazine, IAFP E-News, and Membership Directory. In addition, the committee recommends public relations projects to the board of directors. Current projects include member engagement initiatives and IAFP membership awards. The committee also oversees IAFP membership activities as needed, including annual review of membership statistics and conducts membership surveys as needed.

AD-HOC PATHWAY COMMITTEE: Are you passionate about increasing interest in family medicine in your community and across Iowa among school aged children, college students and medical students? The IAFP is looking for members to join our new Ad-Hoc Pathways Committee.

Committee Reimbursement
The IAFP will reimburse expenses for committee member’s travel if necessary to attend meetings for the above committees.


** Please note that the IAFP is unable to provide reimbursement for member expenses for the volunteer opportunities listed in this section with the exception of the AAFP Special Constituencies Delegates.

LEGISLATIVE KEY CONTACT: Willingness to respond quickly to key contact alerts regarding state and federal legislation by contacting a member of the Iowa Congressional delegation or a state legislator through the AAFP Speak Out web site.

AAFP SPECIAL CONSTITUENCIES DELEGATE: The IAFP seeks individuals to represent the IAFP at the AAFP National Conference of Constituency Leaders. Categories to serve are Women Physicians, New Physicians, International Medical Graduates, Minority Physicians and GLBT. The IAFP reimburses participants for the registration fee and hotel expenses. Please indicate below if you would be interested in representing the IAFP at this conference.

UI FAMILY MEDICINE PRECEPTOR: The key to the success of the UI Family Medicine Preceptorship is based upon the unique value of having students work one-on-one with an Iowa private-practice community family physician that loves to teach and allows the student to participate ACTIVELY in the care of patients. To teach in the Family Medicine Preceptorship of the UI Department of Family Medicine we ask that you:

Attend a workshop prior to teaching the first student.
Be engaged full-time (minimum of 80% time) in an Iowa community private practice office setting.
Are currently board-certified in family medicine.
Have completed residency training in Family Medicine.
Be willing to teach at least 1 third-year medical student each year.

For more information, contact Jill Endres at 319-353-7175 or

IOWA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH COMMITTEES: Periodically the IAFP provides names of family physicians to serve on state committees such as Rural Health Advisory Committee, Medicaid Advisory Committee, EMS Advisory Council, Trauma Services Advisory Council, Child and Adolescent Obesity Task Force, Diabetes Control Program, Cancer Control, Developmental Disabilities, State-wide Perinatal Committee, etc.

Committee recruitment occurs through calls for volunteers published in the Iowa Family Physician magazine and through volunteers identified during meetings/communication throughout the year.

Committee members may be appointed any time during the year and terms will follow the process below.

All volunteers will complete a Conflict of Interest/Disclosure form for review and approval by the Board or Executive Committee. Volunteers completing this process will be considered candidates for the committee they have selected. Each year, the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee will review and approve committee appointments prior to the Annual Meeting. The candidates will be evaluated based of the following criteria

1. The candidate is a member in good standing with the IAFP
2. The candidate complies with the AMA Code of Ethics per AAFP membership criteria
3. The candidate has no conflicts of interest or the conflicts can be resolved to the committee’s satisfaction.

IAFP Committee appointments will be effective after board approval. Terms are currently one year in duration with the option to renew the appointment each year. Candidates will be notified of their acceptance upon completion of this process.